Labour mayor urges Lib Dem and Green supporters to ‘lend him their votes’ in May’s first-past-the-post election
Khan said he was ‘making a direct appeal to Liberal Democrat and Green … to lend me their support to keep the Tories out and progressive politics in’.Khan said he was ‘making a direct appeal to Liberal Democrat and Green … to lend me their support to keep the Tories out and progressive politics in’.
In an open letter targeting Liberal Democrat and Green supporters, Khan, who is seeking a third term as London mayor, said the new system brought in by the Conservative government meant the election was “on a knife-edge”, the Evening Standard reported. “To all of those who gave me their second preference votes last time, I say thank you, and ask that you put your trust in me this year by lending me the sole vote you can cast for mayor.
He added: “At the last London mayoral election, in 2021, I was less than 5% ahead after the first round of voting.