Florida, with its 825 miles of sandy beaches, again led the world with 16 unprovoked bites, according to the program’s International Shark Attack File.
Swim in groups.What's behind New York's record shark bites?
The majority of the bites in Long Island were probably sand tiger sharks attracted by an influx of baitfish, Naylor said. “The Gulf Stream’s eddies ebb and flow each year. Sometimes they can come very close to shore, bringing nutrients and fish with them," he said."The juvenile sand tigers will follow the fish, which in some cases leads to an uptick in encounters with people."
A 2016 study showed juvenile sand tiger sharks had taken up residence in Great South Bay, New York – between Fire Island and Long Island – and sharks continue to use the sheltered bay as a nursery. “Juveniles tend to be more experimental and will try things that an adult shark wouldn’t,” Naylor said. “If fish are especially dense where people are swimming and visibility is poor, then it is more likely that young sharks, which lack the experience of older animals, will mistake a swimmer’s foot for their intended prey.”