The value of Link’s 43pc stake in electronic conveyancer PEXA, its most prized asset, has fallen substantially since January.
Link shares are sitting at $3.69, 33 per cent below the offer price, following
the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and a sharp sell-off in sharemarkets around the world.John Ayoub, portfolio manager with Wilson Asset Management, said the share price gap between Link’s current price and the offer price, along with the ACCC concerns, means there is an assumption of “heightened risk to the transaction”.
In late 2020, Carlyle and Pacific Equity Partners pursued Link in a combined tilt in which an indicative offer reached as high as $5.40.PEXA has been pointing to anas one of its growth areas, saying a revamp of the antiquated 150-year-old paper-based property settlement system would help kick things along even as interest rates rise, with mortgage holders looking to refinance and set up new mortgages.
PEXA’s UK boss, James Bawa, said last month that one in five people looking to redo mortgages as they hunted for a competitive rate simply gave up because of the logjams and congestion in an outdated paper-based system. writes on business specialising in retail, manufacturing, beverages, mining and M&A. He is based in Adelaide.