It could be a key indicator of potential problems
Sock marks left on your skin could indicate more than just needing a wardrobe update or re-size. According to medical professionals it could be a warning sign of a serious health condition.
READ MORE: Richard Madeley takes Flamingo balance test live on ITV's Good Morning Britain - test shows if you'll die in next 7 years Oedema Oedema can be caused by a wide range of conditions, some of which are temporary and perfectly harmless, such as swollen ankles during a pregnancy or puffiness in your hands and feet during a flight because of water retention. It is water retention in the feet and legs, which creates the puffiness - this is known medically as peripheral oedema.
It's important to note that most people who have peripheral oedema don’t have heart disease, but it could be a key indicator of potential heart problems and other signs of heart failure. Advanced Cardiovascular Specialists have been quoted as saying: “Persistent problems with oedema, however, could be a signal that your heart isn’t functioning properly".