Governor Gavin Newsom is proposing an $11 billion relief package to give Californians relief from high gas prices. His plan includes rebates and free public transit.
. His plan includes rebates and free public transit.
Governor Newsom said his proposal includes $9 billion in direct payments to millions of Californians. ," said Newsom. Each person can only receive rebates for a maximum of two vehicles. "Unfortunately, it's just not a very effective way to target help to the people who really need it," said Asha Weinstein Agrawal, professor of urban and regional with San Jose State University.
"It's easy to write checks. It's an easy political answer, but it's not always the most sound answer," said Joseph Ferguson of Stanford,"It's a short term Band-Aid. It doesn't address the long term issues." Professor Agrawal said the focus should be on long term solutions such as programs to help people buy fuel efficient and electric vehicles,