UPDATE: Queensland students will return to the classroom two weeks later than planned as the state attempts to wait out its spike in COVID19 cases. 9News
cases after online rapid antigen test results were included in the daily total for the first time, while Premier Annastacia Palaszcuk announced students will not return to school at the end of the holidays.This brings active cases to 18,573 and the new cases come from 37,591 test results.The state yesterday launched its online registry for positive rapid antigen test results.
Health Minister Yvette D'Ath urged anybody who had tested positive with a RAT in the past 14 days to register their result to ensure numbers are as accurate as possible.A previously reported death of a man in his 30s at his home in the Gold Coast earlier this month was also confirmed by the coroner to be a COVID-19 case, bringing Queensland's total number of fatalities during the pandemic to 10.
"We knew the year was going to be disrupted when we start schooling due to staff numbers and breakouts in schools," Ms Grace said. Ms Grace said "there are no guarantees" the school year won't be pushed back further and remote learning could make a comeback for all ages if Omicron numbers get too large.Health Minister Yvette D'Ath has confirmed critical essential workers in Queensland who are deemed close contacts will be allowed to work and the state needs to ensure critical services continue to operate ahead of the surge in Omicron cases.