Local council receives more than 50 objections to scheme, many on environmental grounds
The architect’s illustration of the property plans for Stella McCartney's new house in Roshven., McCartney’s architects insist the glass-fronted home near Roshven on the west coast would enhance the landscape and “retain the wild nature of the site”.
Sam Seccombe, one of the objectors, said: “It would set a bad precedent, that anyone with enough money could buy up unspoilt and extremely beautiful land then build enormous dwellings that would likely remain unused for most of the year.” The trees are a “distinct landscape feature”, according to Angus Macdonald, a local Liberal Democrat councillor. In his objection he wrote: “If one-third are removed it would increase the chance of windblow on the remainder.”
He recommended that council draw up an “access management statement” on how a local bay would be reached if the plan went ahead.