An Australian team says a new partnership with a US-based tech company has given their hopes of a successful 'de-extinction' of thylacines a 'giant leap' — and that their goal of seeing a Tasmanian tiger in the wild could happen 'within 10 years'.
Colossal, which lists Australian actors Chris and Liam Hemsworth as "like-minded impact investors", says its "landmark de-extinction project" is the "resurrection" of the woolly mammoth.
"We can then use reproductive technologies such as IVF to turn the cell into a whole living organism." "We think the dunnart could give birth to a baby thylacine and once they are born, you can rear these animals on milk by recreating that artificial pouch environment".It is hoped the project could also help other marsupials, like the koala, which are vulnerable to natural disasters like bushfire, which are becoming more common.