A Twitter thread for the ages ...
Yeah yeah it's"just Twitter" but I'm pretty sure this *sick* person is saying we are darksided pizzagate pedophiles who traffic our daughter. Ummmmm this is really scary shit.Enter Chelsea Clinton, one of Chrissy Teigen's many Twitter followers. She sent Teigen a message of support and encouragement:
Chrissy, sending you & beautiful Luna a huge hug. It is awful & never ok when people threaten or demean any child. I've lost count of the Twitter accounts who've threatened Charlotte with— Chelsea Clinton Whereupon the thread turned into something of a free-for-all. A random troll using the name"Rogue Hooters Staff" hurled an obscenity at Clinton:
Someone who witnessed this exchange notified Hooters of the bogus account, prompting the official Hooters account to tweet a disavowal, in turn prompting Clinton — trust us, this will all make sense as you read through the rest of the thread below — to tag theThere are two ways to take that last tweet .