When you are setting out on your feeding journey, finding the best breast pump is crucial. 👇
Like our mum testers, you will have your own individual needs when choosing a breast pump. However, there are some things you may want to consider when making your choice:tend to be pretty noisy, which can be impractical if you're expressing while your baby is asleep nearby, when you're at work or if you just want to hear what's on the telly. Whereas manual pumps are much quieter, and some make no noise at all.
It's not important to have a breast pump. If you're not finding it comfortable or you're having any issues, you can talk to your midwife, health visitor, GP or other healthcare worker who will advise you on the other options and routes you and your baby could use. Whether you're pregnant or have already welcomed your new baby into the world, you know you need a lot of stuff. Theis the best way to keep track of everything you need for your baby - and it's easy to set up.
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