On Saturday, winter seemed banished, and spring about to begin.
As the blossoms reached the last stage before full bloom, nature showed us in other ways that it had cast its lot with spring, even if winter hung on in theory until the moment of the equinox at 11:33 a.m. on Sunday.
Saturday’s 76-degree high was among the year’s warmest. All around us, signs suggested that we would indeed see its like again. A major indicator showed up around the Tidal Basin, where the cherry trees, according to the National Park Service, reached the last stage before peak bloom. At “puffy white,” the blossoms seemed pale globes bedecking trees and branches. As we stood at the verge of spring, they trembled at the doorstep of great beauty. They awaited one last command before unfurling petals to create the stunning white canopy that symbolizes our spring.
Blossoms, warmth, brightness, all seemed to assure us Saturday that matters were in hand and Sunday would bring Spring.