The game is adding bigger points of interest to make looting safer
Broken Moon, the game’s fifth battle royale map, has been in development for a year and a half. Out of all the ideas that Respawn Entertainment pitched around for Season 15′s locale, the moon setting was the one the team found most intriguing.
Moons are typically barren environments, but Cleo was designed to be a vibrant, colorful place with a bustling community of colonists. Fans of “Apex Legends” lore will note that Cleo is the moon of Boreas, which is the home planet of the outcast Legend Seer. Seer’s birth was heralded by a meteor that smashed off a big chunk of Cleo’s landmass, dooming Boreas to a constant barrage of meteor showers.
Traveling across Broken Moon is also going to be easier than in previous maps. Players can cover vast distances using the zip rail, which is basically a supercharged zip line on a monorail with predetermined routes and stops that runs along the entire map. Compared to regular ziplines, zip railing is faster, provides more momentum and can bank around corners. Players can use it to escape the game’s deadly closing ring or regroup quickly with squad members.