Confused about where everyone stands after Episode 6's 10-year jump? Read this.
Game of Thronesby skipping uneventful periods between installments. Whether the next episode takes place three months or three years after the last, the series only shows the events that hold the most significance leading up to the epic conflict, the Dance of the Dragons.
After he loses his place as successor, Daemon has a short rebellious demonstration, stealing a dragon egg and taking the Targaryen ancestral home of Dragonstone in episode 2. Rhaenyra quickly takes the egg and the castle back , after which Daemon decides to join Lord Corlys Valeryon in his fight to take the Stepstones back from the Triarchy, which is led by factually-named Drahar the Crabfeeder. Upon their victory, Daemon returns to court and seems to be welcomed with open arms...
For now, an update on the Targaryen/Valeryon/Hightower family trees. Since marrying Laenor a decade earlier, Rhaenyra has given birth to three sons: eldest Jacaerys, middle Lucerys, and fresh-out-the-womb Joffrey . All three sons have surprising dark, curly hair, considering that both Rhaenyra and Laenor are nautrally platinum blonde.
While Alicent is now powerful enough to directly antagonize Rhaenyra, even speaking with Viserys about her paternity suspicions, the king is either oblivious or is just letting his daughter live her life. Everything that Rhaenyra gets away with enrages Alicent, and when the court starts whispering more loudly about Rhae and Harwin's affair, the queen gets more and more angry.