Nature research paper: The renal lineage factor PAX8 controls oncogenic signalling in kidney cancer
. Relative PAX8 and HNF1B mRNA expression as determined by qRT-PCR in 786-M1A cells. Data points, independent RNA preps . Mean and SEM. Two-sided Kruskal-Wallis test.. ATAC-seq data analysis identifying genomic regions with altered accessibility upon shRNA-mediated PAX8 and HNF1B depletion in 786-M1A cells . Adjusted two-sided p-values and fold changes derived by DESeq2..
. Top axis, odds ratio of overlap , 95% confidence interval. Bottom axis, p-value, one-sided Fisher’s exact test .. Enrichment of known DNA motifs in the peak set that shows reduced accessibility upon PAX8 depletion.. Enrichment of known DNA motifs in the peak set that shows reduced accessibility upon HNF1B depletion.. Enrichment of known DNA motifs in the peak set that shows increased accessibility upon PAX8 depletion..