The Met Police carried out more than 5,000 strip searches on London’s children in the last three years – 3/4 of those were from ethnically diverse backgrounds
"What is apparent is the sheer significant impact that it has on children’s mental health. It is a deeply traumatising, degrading, humiliating experience that nobody should have to endure, let alone children."
She also said she has heard of plenty of cases like Child Q, where the rules weren't followed properly. During the search, in which he was told to remove all his clothes, a custody sergeant walked in and checked his age again. When he said he was 17 they realised they had to stop. "It was a very nasty experience as a child having to show your genitalia to two grown men who you don't know."
"Every search must be lawful, proportionate and necessary and carried out with respect, dignity and empathy.