Tucker Carlson opened his show with a scathing monologue slamming Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Tucker Carlson opened his show with a scathing monologue slamming Dr. Anthony Fauci on Monday night, likening his retirement from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases as the “equivalent of a targeted nuclear device detonated over the most emotionally vulnerable elements of our most privileged population.”confirming he will step down in December after more than 50 years of public service.
“Imagine the pandemonium at SoulCycle studios across the Northeast this morning when Tony Fauci announced his retirement,” Carlson began. “You can picture the carnage, the wailing, the swooning, manicured hands clutched to breasts, then fumbling for Xanax and expensive handbags. Not since the orange man seized the White House in a Russian coup have more 46-year-old Cornell-educated lawyers with weak husbands wept shamelessly in public.”
Then, he claimed Fauci’s allegedly “most notable crime” was that he “covered up evidence that he, Tony Fauci, helped create that virus in the first place.”