"WHEN RHAENYRA SAID DRACARYS OMG SLAY 😭🔥", HBO's epic prequel tobased on the George R.R. Martin novels, made its fiery premiere tonight—and Twitter has a lot to say about it.Tensions are high in King's Landing as the small council who advises King Viserys Targaryen debates about the line of succession to the Iron Throne. Viserys and his wife, Queen Aemma , have only one living child: Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen .
But, tragedy befalls the Red Keep. After suffering through a bitter fifth pregnancy, Aemma undergoes life-threatening issues during labor. Desperate for his heir, Viserys allows the physician to cut open Aemma's stomach to save the baby. A gruesome scene follows, showing her horrific death—only for the baby to die with his mother.
Daemon celebrates the baby's demise by buying out a brothel and toasting to the"heir for a day." Viserys catches wind of his inappropriate festivities and orders him to leave King's Landing. Revoking Daemon's heirhood, the king then names Rhaenyra to not only become the ruler of Westeros but to be its first reigning queen.
He also warns his daughter of a dream seen by their prophetic ancestor, the first king of the Iron Throne, Aegon Targaryen. Aegon had foreseen"the end of the world of men" that began"with a terrible winter gusting out of the distant north" that possessed a darkness capable of"destoy[ing] the world of the living." This secret prophecy that Viserys bestows onto Rhaenyra hints at the events ofThis content is imported from Twitter.