A Queensland jury has been shown CCTV footage of a brawl over stolen chips that allegedly resulted in a man being fatally wounded. 9News
Ricky Lefoe, 31, of Sydney today faced Brisbane Supreme Court for the first day of his trial after pleading not guilty to one charge of manslaughter over the death of Brazilian national Ivan Patricio Susin.
She said two of Susin's friends, Johnny Lodge and Kai Thake sat on a bench nearby to eat their kebab and chips while the third friend, Jordan Naylor, walked to another shop to buy cigarettes."Johnny and Kai sat on the bench blissfully unaware that their night was about to be interrupted," Kelso said.
Kelso said Susin threw a punch at Simpson that "missed by a country mile" before Lefoe punched him in the face, knocking him backwards and causing a fatal head injury when he hit the ground. One witness testified they saw Susin attempt a "haymaker" punch and agreed with McCafferty that it was "delivered with great force".