It’s time to take a break from the huge, blockbuster AAA epics and focus on a shorter experience in April. Which of these indie darlings from Xbox Game Pass will you choose for the April 2024 TA Playlist?
We hope you’re having fun in the futuristic streets of Night City in the March TA Playlist game, Cyberpunk 2077, but it’s time to return to 2024 for a quick break to vote on the April TA Playlist Game of the Month. The last several months have featured some pretty big games, with the likes of Starfield, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and even Thief, all of which have completion estimates of 40 hours or more.
It has been critically acclaimed for its moody art style, ambient soundtrack, and unsettling atmosphere. More than 164,000 tracked gamers have played Inside, with just over 62,000 unlocking all 14 of the game’s achievements. With a strong TA User Rating of 4.2/5.0 and over 100 gaming industry awards under its belt, this game is also well worth the 3-4 hours that estimates say it should take for the full completion.