A bill being considered by Washington lawmakers would require retailers and ports to allow truckers to use their bathrooms.
A bill in the Washington state legislature seeks to address an issue faced daily by truck drivers: nowhere to use the restroom.
Sells was there to advance legislation he's sponsoring that's aimed at addressing the situation. House Bill 1706 would require retail establishments to allow truck and delivery drivers to use their restrooms, as long as doing so wouldn't create security or health risks. The state's 75 port districts would also be required to provide restrooms for big-rig truck drivers delivering goods in the area of the terminal.
Representatives from the state's retail, hospitality and business lobbies told the committee they were sympathetic to the plight of truck drivers and were willing to work with Sells on the bill. But they questioned the need for the bill, saying that their member businesses routinely allowed truck and delivery drivers to use their bathroom facilities.
The association isn't aware of any complaints, but businesses would resolve any issues that came up, he said.