The controversy surrounding a North Texas church continues to grow and some people want to see Stedfast Baptist Church in Watauga evicted. The church has come under fire for anti-gay rhetoric made by a pastor earlier this month.
"It is a little bit defeating for them to find a new space and a new platform and spread worse words than they even spread before, and we're still here to fight it," said Tyler Huckabee, who is also part of the grassroots group.
Members from Stedfast Baptist Church also showed up to the meeting to defend the church and its beliefs. Awes, the pastor who delivered the most recent sermon that's caused outrage, said the church has received death threats and that the church has been vandalized. “We don’t know whose leaving those voicemails, we don’t encourage hatred, we encourage to go out and protest and have our voices, heard, but we do not encourage hatred," said Graves."None of us hate steadfast, we feel sorry for them we’re disappointed in them, I know a lot of other Christians are disappointed in them because they’re doing the Bible wrong.”