Damning report reveals incidents where support workers exposed people with disability to pornography, allegedly sexually assaulted those in their care or emotionally or psychologically abused them through coercion or undue influence.
abc.net.au/news/ndis-quality-asurance-report-group-homes/101857778There have been more than 7,000 serious incidents — including sexual misconduct, serious injury, abuse and neglect — in disability group homes over the past four years, according to a startling new report from the complaints watchdog.
The report examined the running of disability group homes in Australia by seven providers, revealing more than 7,340 reportable serious incidents in a supported accommodation setting between July 2018 and September 2022. There were also 960 reportable incidents of unlawful physical contact, with some including the alleged sexual assault of a person with a disability by another person with a disability or a support worker.