ADOT News: Westbound I-10 off- and on-ramps at Watson Road closed into November Closures part of interchange improvements during I-10 widening project MORE:
Westbound I-10 off- and on-ramps at Watson Road in Buckeye closed into NovemberPHOENIX – Drivers who normally use the westbound Interstate 10 off- and on-ramps at Watson Road in Buckeye will need to use detour routes for several weeks due to work on the Arizona Department of Transportation’s ongoing freeway widening project in the West Valley.
Drivers should consider using the following detours while the westbound ramps at Watson Road are closed:: Drivers can exit at Miller Road and turn at that interchange before entering eastbound I-10 in order to exit at Watson Road.. Drivers on Watson Road can enter eastbound I-10 and exit at Verrado Way and turn at that interchange in order to enter westbound I-10. Other detour routes also are available.
The ramp reconstruction work is part of an $82 million project to widen I-10 to three lanes in both directions between Verrado Way and State Route 85. The entire project is scheduled for completion in summer 2023. A key source of funding is Prop 400, a regional half-cent sales tax for transportation improvements approved by Maricopa County voters in 2004.
Drivers in project work zones should continue to obey the lower speed limit, allow extra travel time and stay alert for highway workers and equipment.