Netflix's upcoming Marilyn Monroe biopic Blonde definitely looks to be one of a kind
“the definitive study of American celebrity”, the fictionalised telling of Monroe’s life sees Ana de Armas step into the stilettoes of the iconic actor and pin-up model.Back in February, director Andrew Dominik predicted that the film would get an NC-17 rating – the highest American film rating denoting ‘No One 17 And Under Admitted’ – for its themes.. “If the audience doesn’t like it, that’s the fucking audience’s problem. It’s not running for public office.
“It tells the story of how a childhood trauma shapes an adult who’s split between a public and a private self. “It takes all of those things and turns the meanings of them inside out, according to how she feels, which is basically how we live. It’s how we all operate in the world. It just seems to me to be very resonant. I think the project has got a lot of really exciting possibilities, in terms of what can be done, cinematically.”After seeing a rough cut of the film, author Joyce Carol Oates