The energy this week comes with two signatures: allowing and releasing. Here's an energy reading for the days ahead, as well as tools and questions to support you in creating more self-connection and awareness. 🌤️
. Or maybe, you finally faced a conflict you were avoiding, and now you're exhausted and don't want to get out of bed.This love is centered on theand brings with it a new awakening about yourself and revelations about any patterns that may have taken you under earlier in the week. You may feel like you know yourself in a new way, revealing more of who you are.
You might have an understanding of how you are connected to everything, a sense of forgiveness for yourself, or a deeper knowledge of how you want to show up in the world or serve others. Then comes the releasing of the old pattern I mentioned earlier. This also comes quickly and feels intense in a good way. It does feel effortless to me, like taking off an old coat that doesn't fit anymore, leaving you feeling unencumbered and expansive. Without this old pattern out of your energy system, you might feel ready to start a new project or simply feel more comfortable showing up as you are.
, a leading expert in self-compassion, says to do when being hard on yourself: Put your hand on your heart and say,"This is a moment of suffering. May I be kind to myself."would be nice. When you're clear about what you're releasing, write it all down and burn it in a fire . You could also take a bath and set an intention to release everything you don't want into the water.