CDC data suggest that the BA.2 may currently account for nearly a quarter of all new Covid-19 cases in the U.S., up from about a tenth the week prior.
White House Mandates Pfizer Vaccines for Millions of Citizens ...Before the FDA Clinical or Safety Reviews Have Been Made PublicThings are a bit different now, though, than they were in 2021. A greater proportion of the population may have at least some degree of immune protection against the Covid-19 coronavirus. More people have gotten vaccinated or infected with the SARS-CoV-2 since the Summer and Fall of 2021. Granted 65.3% of the U.S., population being full vaccinated and 44.
Data suggests that Covid-19 vaccination effectiveness against the BA.2 subvariant is comparable to what it’s been against the BA.1. For example, on March 10,that three doses of Covid-19 vaccines were around 69% effective against symptomatic Covid-19 caused by the BA.1 subvariant and around 74% effective against Covid-19 caused by BA.2 at the 2-week mark after the last booster dose.
Of course, as any nightclub owner will tell you, humans are not the same as hamsters. What happens in hamsters may not necessarily happen in humans. Moreover, take any pre-print with a bucket hat full of salt. It’s not the same as a peer-reviewed study published in a reputable scientific journal. So far, data from humans have not found noticeable differences in the outcomes of those infected with the BA.2 versus the BA.1 subvariants.So it’s completely clear yet whether the BA.