5 Hair Myths It‘s Time to Stop Believing, According to Experts
The truth: Sorry, a trim will not make your hair grow faster or longer,, a dermatologist with Schweiger Dermatology in Philadelphia. Hair growth emanates from the follicle beneath the surface of your scalp, so while cutting your hair can make it look thicker and more volumized, a trim has no impact on growth.
, a Dallas-based dermatologist. If you take care of your hair, it will look its best, but you can’t speed up your growth cycle.The truth: For more lustrous locks, you need to correct whatever is stressing your hair in the first place. If it’s physical damage, cut back on heat styling, swimming without a cap, tight hairstyles, and frequent coloring. If you are underweight, have dropped a lot of weight suddenly, or eat very little protein, boosting your intake could help. Adding healthy fats and foods high in B vitamins may help too, says, founder of B Nutritious in New York City.
, a pill containing shark cartilage, niacin, vitamin C, and zinc, and there are small clinical trials with promising results, but these were funded by the company itself.This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io