Read the letters to the editor for Sept. 24.
Who needs sex ed at North East ISD? A reader offers a modest proposal: Teenagers can learn from HBO’s “Game of Thrones.”Gov. Greg Abbott, as a Texas taxpayer, I am demanding you stop using our tax dollars to feed your fear of immigrants. The United States of America was built by immigrants.You feed off fear, Trump-style.You can’t tax religious institutions, but they can tax us, it seems.
Some public schools may not be the best performers, but the answer is not to take money away from them to feed private or parochial schools. The answer is to make those public schools perform better by getting them to upgrade their staffs and resources. Denying funds for these underperforming schools only worsens them. And money given to parochial and private schools only exacerbates the problem.
I want to have a say as to how my education tax dollars are being used. And it is not diverting funds from public education to nonpublic schools. We, the citizens, have the power to decide on the curriculum in public schools, but that power is all but denied in private and parochial schools.Re: “Parents key in stop to sex ed in North East,” Front Page, Sept. 17.
North East Independent School District needn’t worry about teaching sex ed. All the kids have cellphones — or they can just watch “Game of Thrones.”